I love you so much and miss you all the time. I want to keep typing the same three words to you over and over hoping you will believe me.
Getting a little dusty in here. Damn allergies.
i began my exit from the jehovah’s witness organization about 5 years.
i was a 4th generation born-in, with all the baggage that comes with having the “spiritual heritage” attached to the group.
i was an elder/bethelite/pioneer/whatever other useless privilege there was, i had no family or friends outside of the organization… my entire life was that org.
I love you so much and miss you all the time. I want to keep typing the same three words to you over and over hoping you will believe me.
Getting a little dusty in here. Damn allergies.
so... i live in mexico and i am helping with an esl class (english as a second language).
actually, i am helping with two classes.
i get two days a week in which i just stand there and have a debate with the class, encouraging as many as possible to just talk... in english.. anyways, i like talking about subjects that generate debate.
TheOldHippie, that's not what he's doing. He is asking--if I might assume I know his motivations, but I'm likely correct since he's made the same argument before--because most often people confidently proclaim that hundreds of thousands of experts are wrong when they themselves have never even read an entry-level book on the subject.
The argument isn't, "Nobody doubts that, so you should blindly accept it." It's, "Nobody doubts that, and if you do you need to be able to demonstrate why you're right and everyone else is wrong." I don't think cofty asks this question to bully or embarrass people, but to point out that they might be missing huge pieces of the puzzle and/or have read only wildly distorted arguments.
I was asked this question many years ago when I was first having doubts. It didn't have a large immediate effect on me at the time, but it stayed in the back of my mind, and when I finally took the mental step of accepting the JWs weren't inspired, it was the idea maybe you don't know everything and maybe your JW "education" was sorely lacking that helped me more readily accept new ideas (and new facts).
all religions under critical examination has been recognized inherently as formative lies devised to appeal to human emotions and as a means to cultivate power and control for a select propagating few.
knowledge acquired through scientific inquiry and evaluation has proven that all religious adherence was mostly drawn out human ignorance targeted toward the emotions and consciousness of people.
here we are in the 21 century and people like the jws are still adhering to the lies of christianity and how this religion developed over time.
I'm thinking that brain size climaxed because they gradually became more efficent over time due to natural selection because the mating chances increase with the smarter males getting most of the action while the dumber ones lost many a chance to mate due to the smarter guy getting more than his fair share of spoil. Favoring the more useful brain for the same skull size.
I think the leading theory is that our brains grew because of our social interactions. In intensely social animals like primates, it's important to keep track of who's sleeping with who, who can be trusted and who is a cheater, who doesn't get along with who, etc. A larger brain is needed to keep track of all those interactions and relationships. Group stability is more important than an individual who's strong or smart.
all religions under critical examination has been recognized inherently as formative lies devised to appeal to human emotions and as a means to cultivate power and control for a select propagating few.
knowledge acquired through scientific inquiry and evaluation has proven that all religious adherence was mostly drawn out human ignorance targeted toward the emotions and consciousness of people.
here we are in the 21 century and people like the jws are still adhering to the lies of christianity and how this religion developed over time.
Well the atom being orbited by elections and the pictures they used to describe them are all fictional and simply vision tools to explain something we don't have camera equipment(electron microscope), that will ever be able to view things at a quantum level, just physics trying to explain things with visual illustrations with no visual proof.
Could that be considered different fiction? or what about we are in a computer simulation I think that is a much more harmless fiction?
Well I'm not a sociologist, but it seems the things you're describing are starting on the road to advanced thought, but they wouldn't qualify as the fictions I was talking about. Other animals are capable of this type of representational thought, but H. sapiens seems to be the only animal capable of, for example, carving a figuring with the body of a man and the head of a lion (e.g., the Stadel lion-man carved about 40,000 years ago), and telling--and convincing--others that this lion-man is our tribal guardian who will help us on our hunts.
The computer simulation would probably be a fiction in this context. Another, used in the book, is that of an L.L.C.(limited liability corporation). It doesn't exist as a physical thing, but if we pay a lawyer to write some magical words on a page, everyone will act as if this thing really exists. We refer to it as a thing, sue it if it harms us, etc... "Human rights" is another fiction that benefits us to treat as if they're real.
Neanderthals and Homo erectus were capable of abstract thought in the sense that they could make tools, seeing the arrowhead in the piece of flint. But H. erectus lived for two million years after inventing tools, and didn't progress beyond that. Neanderthals had language that probably included some more advanced concepts--we know they buried their dead, cared for the sick, made tools, and decorated themselves, but despite having larger brains than H. sapiens they don't seem to have developed the ability to create fictions, which if true, held them back from growing beyond small groups of a few dozen.
all religions under critical examination has been recognized inherently as formative lies devised to appeal to human emotions and as a means to cultivate power and control for a select propagating few.
knowledge acquired through scientific inquiry and evaluation has proven that all religious adherence was mostly drawn out human ignorance targeted toward the emotions and consciousness of people.
here we are in the 21 century and people like the jws are still adhering to the lies of christianity and how this religion developed over time.
I think there are two related things at work. 1. We have evolved to detect agency. The brain has been called a pattern-recognition machine. The brain that interprets measured footfalls and snapping twigs as a potential predator lives while the brain that thinks it's the wind ends up as someone's lunch. 2. We alone have evolved the ability to invent, talk about, and believe in fictions.
The following is cribbed from Yuval Harari's book, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, though I'm paraphrasing and maybe doing some editorializing.
Between 70,000 and 30,000 years ago, Homo sapiens underwent the single greatest change in our history--the Cognitive Revolution. During that period we learned to think--and more importantly--express ourselves differently, with immensely more variety and fluidity of information transmission.
Without this breakthrough, archaic Homo sapiens would likely have not been able to sustain groups much larger than 150 because that's the limit to how many relationships we can keep track of, and this is vital to such intensely social animals.. Most chimpanzee troupes max out at about 50, and Neanderthals would have probably been somewhere in between the two numbers.
The ability to think and speak abstractly--to invent fictions, 'imagined realities' or 'social constructs'--is what allowed us to work collectively in very large groups. It is interesting to note that other fictions besides religion--art, social stratification (governments), commerce--all appeared at roughly the same time.
To answer the question, so many humans are still immersed in religion because it's at the core of who we are. In a very real way, it was religion that allowed us to expand beyond small hunter-gatherer groups and take control of our environment.
Personally, what I would like to see happen is for a different fiction to overtake and replace religion--that of worldwide community and balance with the environment. But I don't think that will ever happen. I think religion is with us until the end. Ironically, the same thing that played such a large part in our success may also be what eventually dooms us as a species, though perhaps that's not fair, since what's at play in religious strife is in-group out-group thinking, and if we didn't have religion we would find another reason to hate the "other."
if he get pass this, america deserve him...... conversation 10 years ago..
The phrase "you've made your bed, now lie in it" springs to mind. Wankers.
Counterpoint: Brexit
jehovah's witnesses have never come to my door but they have come to my girlfriends door.
i have coached her as to what to say or ask but it appears that they always seem to come when she's not there.
.....just curious would you get into it with a jehovah's witness at your door especially if it was someone you did not know?.
I tell them I don't believe in God and they say, "But look at the trees!"
if he get pass this, america deserve him...... conversation 10 years ago..
No, they released it after the polls were no longer close, when Clinton had pulled back out to a 7 pt lead or so.
I have no doubt that the person who sent the tape to the Times did it to hurt Trump, just as I have no doubt that the Russians who hacked the DNC did it to hurt Clinton. And, yes, the State Department is confident it was the Russians, and yes, Trump did know about this before the first debate--he had received the intelligence briefings. When he claimed there was no reason to think it was the Russians during both debates, he was flat-out lying.
the Clinton foundation/clinton campaign/etc paid a lot for it.
The Clinton Foundation is not the Clinton campaign. You're thinking of Trump who uses money from his foundation to purchase personal things for himself and to settle leagal bills and to bribe Florida officials.
if he get pass this, america deserve him...... conversation 10 years ago..
why did this tape of Trump saying those things surface now?
Its 11 years old.
I am amazed that the news pundits are worrying about the what (the tape)
and not the why (the timing)
There's no mystery there. Someone who doesn't like Trump sent the tape to the NY Times. The Times sat on it for five days while their lawyers considered their legal exposure (Trump knew he was being recorded, but he is famously litigious--he's been a part of 3000 lawsuits, roughly half as plaintiff and half as defendant). The source got tired of the delay by the Times so they sent it to the Washington Post. WaPo spent five hours vetting the tape and released it.
if he get pass this, america deserve him...... conversation 10 years ago..
A source close to "The Apprentice" producers is saying there is more on the way. One issue similar to the pussy-grab, and one "much worse." Speculation is Donald is caught on tape uttering the N-word.